I’m always having a GUI client installed beside of the command line version and the Eclipse plugin. Instead doing things on the command line, you are free to use graphical clients, see EGit Client for Eclipse
Git config -global user.email file to repository In the Git Bash shell, configure first your user name and default email address: git config -global user.name "John Doe" A remote repository is needed to share something, e.g. pull: get the changes from the remote repositoryīy default, there is always a local repository.push: transfer the changes in the local repository to the remote one.commit: enter the change into the (local) repository.add: adding files to the list of changes.With git there are several basic actions:
#The best git gui for mac install#
To install git, follow the links and tutorial on It is a modern and distributed version control system. The git project has been started by the famous Linus Torvalds. If a VCS or git is new to you, I recommend you have a look at this tutorial video: Git – Quick Start I have used different VCS (cvs, svn, git), and while I still keep projects for historical reasons in vcs and svn, I’m using git for all my new stuff. If you never have used a version control system, you probably want to start using one. Not using a VCS for any medium or larger scale project especially with multiple developers collaborating sounds like suicide to me. In most cases such a data base is used by multiple users or developers, and with this the system is able to ‘merge’ changes of different developers: it keeps an audit track and backup of all the changes. It ‘versions’ items or files in a kind of data base. It keeps a history and I can go back in time to retrieve an earlier state or compare different states. In a nutshell: a VCS is a data base or a system which allows me to store and retrieve files.